Teenage suicide

Hey readers I am back again :)
After reading the title you already know what I am going talk about today. I am not going talk about the main reasons behind this issue ,just an over view. I will cover it up in my upcoming blogs.

A very sensitive topic yet very important. No one really talks about this topic but everyone knows how important it is.

Let me ask you all a question. Why do teenagers commit suicide? Many will say studies pressure, family pressure and mainly because they use phones a lot. 

Now I want to as you all why do you think that phones are the cause of the suicide? Many will say because they get in the bad influence or meet bad people. 
Let me clarify it to you, according to the statistics and even experts most teenagers do suicide because of exams pressure or family problems.

Now everyone will be thinking how can a small kid be affected by these all? Marks are a part of life, they have to top every exams that's why they are born aren't they?

I don't want to blame anyone but parents and teachers need to understand we are children not some robots who are born to top every exams. Every kid has their own potential and own talent.we have our own problems. Teenagers also go through a lot and they don't tell anyone because of the fear of parents and society. 

Parents need to be more open minded so that teenagers can share their problems. And everyone should stop pressuring them for studies or doing the thing they don't want to.

We are on phones and laptops all day but that's because we want to escape this reality and we trust our online friends who are strangers more than our own parents. It shows how much the Indian society needs to improve.

Yes we may date someone but it's because we need love and time which parents doesn't give us because everyone is so busy in theur lives they forgot that they kids are important and they need time and love.
Dating is never an issue unless the person we are dating is toxic.

Parents please try to believe in our decisions and our thinking and try to understand us and support us because we don't care about what society thinks about us or if they support us or not , all we want is your support, time and love. That's all we ever dreamt of. 

Maybe we are small in age but the society made us into mature kids because of the expectations they have from us. You say we are children but maybe we never really had a childhood......

To be continued........................


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